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Upstream strategy

Rights acquisition

Valuation and defense of rights

AB Noveo Consult is a generalist IP law firm, operating directly or indirectly in all fields of intellectual property.

Specialized in intellectual property matters related to technical innovations, the firm operates directly for patent matters (searches, rights acquisition procedures, valuation and defense of rights,  défense et valorisation des droits, transfer of rigths, licensing, partnership agreement), and relies on a specialized associate for other aspects such as trademarks, design or copyright. 

For some specific technological fields such as biotechnology or chemistry, AB Noveo Consult relies on external counsels with a high level of knowledges in this fields.

The full cycle of each of the main aspect of intellectual property takes place in a substantially constant manner in three steps: definition of an upstream strategy, acquisition of rights, valuation and defense of rights. Whether you are concerned with this full cycle from the first step, or your question deals with valuation or defense of rights already acquired, or even with your position with respect of third-parties rights, the action of AB Noveo Consult always start with a listening phase with understanding your technological, economical and commercial environment, which is an essential prerequisite for defining the best strategy and implementing the corresponding actions.

Intellectual Property Attorney
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